Training Courses
When passionate young people get into ministry too early, with too little support, and with too little training, they hurt people. Sometimes it’s big, sometimes it’s small, and every once in a while, it’s really big. That’s why in our 2-year fellowship, we train our fellows through on-the-ground ministry, apprenticeship, and our three training courses.

Evangelism and Discipleship Course
In year 1 of the Fellowship, you’ll master the practical skills of evangelism and disciple-making. By the time you leave, you’ll be equipped to walk with others through every stage of faith—from anonymous non-believer to committed, mature Christian. Year 2 will be spent on a deep dive into spiritual disciplines and helping you discern what’s next for you post-Fellowship.

Pastoral Skills Course
A vibrant, life-giving relationship with Immanuel – God With Us – doesn’t happen through information alone: it requires practice. The Pastoral Skills Cohort provides teaching and practice to increase joy and peace, spiritual and emotional maturity and recovery from big and complex emotions. And these gains aren’t just for you! We’ll show you how to share them with others.
Theology Course
You’ll discover the big themes of the Bible, dive deep into the great mysteries of our faith, become proficient in the doctrine of salvation, and explore how to suffer well as a Christian. Plus, you’ll hear experts talk on how to integrate your theology with real-time care for the poor.

The Future
Our prayer at CCI is to get to launch new movements that launch new movements every year until every school in Chicago has a vibrant, church-connected, gospel-centered movement. There are exciting new possibilities on the horizon as God is opening doors at previously unreached schools. Will you join us?