Why Campus?
There are 44 colleges in the Chicagoland area and about 30 of them do not have a significant gospel minsitry on campus. We believe these are ripe harvest fields and are passionate about reaching college students, because we’ve seen over and over again that they are primed to meet a life-changing Messiah.
“ The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
-Luke 10:2

Hub Campus: University of Illinois at Chicago
UIC is the birthplace and hub campus of CCI. It acts as a microcosm of Chicago and the world, as the largest and most diverse university in the city. With over 80% of students being native Chicagoans, UIC reflects the city’s own racial and religious diversity—as well as a large international population. You can meet someone from any background at UIC; that makes it the perfect place to hone your own ministry skills, and the perfect place to give every community of Chicago an opportunity to respond to the love of Jesus.
Established Campuses
CCI also has established ministries at Roosevelt University and Aurora University. Whether a campus is in the heart of the city like Roosevelt, or in the suburbs like Aurora, we’re committed to following the Holy Spirit to build ministries focused on evangelism that meets students where they’re at and discipleship that is effectively integrated with the local church. Every campus’s culture is distinct, especially in a city like Chicago. That means effective campus ministry will look slightly, and sometimes radically different from campus to campus. That’s why CCI is committed to learning to contextualize our core values to every campus that we reach.
Launching New Campuses
Our prayer at CCI is to get to launch new movements that launch new movements every year until every school in Chicago has a vibrant, church-connected, gospel-centered movement. There are exciting new possibilities on the horizon as God is opening doors at previously unreached schools. Will you join us?