Multiplying Disciples on campus with the church  in the city  FOR JESUS 

Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

Thanks so much for considering giving to our CCI missionaries. Look at the profiles below to learn more and set up your giving.

  1. Contact your DAF provider or log in to your DAF account online and request to recommend a grant to “Chicago Campus Initiative” as the recipient organization.
  2. Provide the following information
    • Organization Name
    • Address: PO Box 4593 Wheaton, IL 60189
    • Phone: (312) 210-0239
    • Email:
    • Tax ID: 88-0788892
  3. Specify the amount you wish to grant and include the name of the missionary you would like to support.
  4. Submit the grant recommendation through your DAF provider.

Please contact us with any questions.